A gift from Grandma
Normally when you have a birthday you receive gifts… but it seems when you’re 84 you are the giver. Recently I spent a wonderful few precious days with three amazing women… my grandma…
Communal Garlic
Isn’t it incredible the way food brings people together. It seems to be the glue of our social fabric…. food is always there. Sometimes it lurks in the wings and you hardly notice…
Free Food!
I love FREE FOOD! I’m not talking about the wonderful food sharing that happens between friends and family, although that is particularly special, and very appreciated. I’m talking about within your own garden.…
Broody Chooks, Bye Bye Chook and Baby Chooks
Phew, what a couple of weeks it has been in the Greenlaw flock! First of all Tara, our giant buff orpington, decided she’d go broody (sit on eggs until they hatch…. although in…
Zuli left a little gift for us yesterday… a beautiful, pale turquoise, perfectly formed… EGG!!! YAY!!! Perhaps she thought we needed a little ‘pick me up’ present after we lost Robot last week,…
Birds and Bikes
Cycling home from the boys childcare centre as the sun was starting to slump into the western hills I saw in the dying shafts of light and in the exhillerated faces of my…