45 Minute Strawberry Patch Blitz!
A few months ago I picked up the kids from childcare at 4:30…. by 5:30 we had a beautiful strawberry patch made predominantly by the boys! Amazing what you can do in such…
Reclaiming / Recycling Furniture
About 3 and a half years ago I rescued this desk…. a tired old teachers desk, heavily french polished, badly watermarked and covered in deep scratches. After a scrub with methylated spirits and…
Kids Strawberry Pots
The boys and I had fun decorating their very own strawberry pots and planting some strawbs for them to care for. A nice way for them to get some ownership in the veggie…
There is something very special about wandering through your own garden collecting things for lunch. I know it’s just an egg and some rocket… but I get a warm glow inside just feeling…
Elephant Poo Paper!
Elephant Poo Paper – yep, I write on it…. elephant poo. It’s fantastic, and the products are really beautiful. A great eco friendly gift for someone. Teamed with a gorgeous homemade paper bird…
If you’ve visited your local tip lately you might have noticed a mountain or two of wooden pallets, packing pallets, the type they load bricks or tiles on. I certainly have. It seems…
Zuli left a little gift for us yesterday… a beautiful, pale turquoise, perfectly formed… EGG!!! YAY!!! Perhaps she thought we needed a little ‘pick me up’ present after we lost Robot last week,…
Goodbye Robot
My brother wrote a eulogy, my sons picked flowers for her grave… and Darryn dug it. Sadly, despite a week of antibiotics and being hand fed mashed banana, apple and porridge… Robot (the…
We have a very sick chook. It’s so awful to see a beautiful, healthy bird scratching around one day and the next to see them swooning and unable to eat. Feeling helpless and…
Life in the country can be hazardous! At a park with the boys on their bikes and a big grey kangaroo came bounding along being chased by swooping magpies, all of a sudden…