It’s Easy Being Green
I have been asked to write a newsletter article on sustainability for a childcare group- Little Peoples – that have facilities all around NSW. Great to see organisations interested in incorporating green and…
Beauty Products
I find beauty product advertising totally bamboozling! I’d like to think I’m bright enough not to be duped by the promises of winding clocks back or that a simple wipe of a cream…
DIY herb tags
A little craftiness of the “three R” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) variety. This project is a cheap/free way of beautifying your veggie patch or herb pots, and also saves some plastic from the recycling…
Free Food!
I love FREE FOOD! I’m not talking about the wonderful food sharing that happens between friends and family, although that is particularly special, and very appreciated. I’m talking about within your own garden.…
If you’ve visited your local tip lately you might have noticed a mountain or two of wooden pallets, packing pallets, the type they load bricks or tiles on. I certainly have. It seems…
Zuli left a little gift for us yesterday… a beautiful, pale turquoise, perfectly formed… EGG!!! YAY!!! Perhaps she thought we needed a little ‘pick me up’ present after we lost Robot last week,…