They grow up so fast!
And I thought kids grew up too fast… yet it was only a few months ago that we had these gorgeous little babies chirping the night away in our dining room… and now…
It’s Easy Being Green
I have been asked to write a newsletter article on sustainability for a childcare group- Little Peoples – that have facilities all around NSW. Great to see organisations interested in incorporating green and…
Possum Proofing
They come each night… I say ‘they’ because surely only one could not create such a raucous noise! As they crash their way across our tin roof I’m not alarmed, almost comforted, it’s…
Home Haircuts
I’m not sure if I’m being really tight, or incredibly resourceful here?! I cut my kids hair. I can hear the comments now “You can tell!”. But can you? I can’t say I…
A gift from Grandma
Normally when you have a birthday you receive gifts… but it seems when you’re 84 you are the giver. Recently I spent a wonderful few precious days with three amazing women… my grandma…
Communal Garlic
Isn’t it incredible the way food brings people together. It seems to be the glue of our social fabric…. food is always there. Sometimes it lurks in the wings and you hardly notice…
Gardening with Little People!
I’ve had a number of projects on the boil of late… who am I kidding, my life is a long list of projects that I conjure up! One very enjoyable project was helping…
Beauty Products
I find beauty product advertising totally bamboozling! I’d like to think I’m bright enough not to be duped by the promises of winding clocks back or that a simple wipe of a cream…
Green Tomato Relish
I may be spilling a family secret here… sorry Pop… but seriously, this recipe should be shared far and wide, it’s DELICIOUS!!!!Technically my lovely late Pop’s recipe is for ripe tomatoes, but due…
Jardin (Garden in Spanish). I love my jardin. I love escaping into it, getting to know the existing residents, introducing new ones. I wonder what path this love affair will take me down?