Possum Proofing
They come each night… I say ‘they’ because surely only one could not create such a raucous noise! As they crash their way across our tin roof I’m not alarmed, almost comforted, it’s a delight to be living with wildlife around us. And late night possum spotting with children swaddled in great volumes of fluffy blankets and weak torch light is equally delightful.
What is not so enchanting is the reality of their eating habits in the morning! Turns out the beautiful old roses that ramble about Greenlaw are constantly on the menu, but apparently the dish most cherished is the climbing rose that we are trying to train into an arch over the steps to the verandah… ie. plumb at the entrance!
Then of course in summer when our ancient apple orchard was heavy with ripening produce… our furry little friends managed to munch through the netting bags and consequently through what fruit the parrots hadn’t already decimated! I was still forgiving though… that was until winter hit and obviously a possum has to get a feed… and how could they resist the juicy, plump, ripening strawberries nestled in their lush bed…. hmmmmm…. As you can see in the pic they didn’t stop at the fruit!! NOT HAPPY!
So after giggling and reeling at various possum prevention techniques on-line I decided that a nightly offering of fruit was not going to be part of this gardener’s ritual… and that a possum proof patch was called for…. DARRYN!!! Enter my wonderful and very talented husband who can now add ‘Possum Proof Strawberry Patch Builder’ to his CV.
Not only is it constructed primarily out of timber we salvaged from around the property or from the local tip shop, but the chicken wire lid can either lift off completely for easy garden maintenance OR just be propped up for picking!! So, that’s strawberries saved…. any tips for the roses??!

Tim W
Since when was ‘raucous’ a noun? Effective description though! :p
Yes, okay, okay… raucous noise then!!! xx
Wow your husband is awesome!
🙂 xxx